Farewell young self

Spoiler Alert : Last night, more for traditions' sake than out of eagerness/ enthusiasm, I went in for the first day first show screening of the last movie in the twilight saga- "Breaking Dawn Part 2". As expected I was bored out of my skull and entertained my self thinking about my own mundane life problems, and even solutions to coding roadblocks at work, and whispering "so lame" to my companions in not so hushed whispers. We were down to the last 20 minuts of the movie, and I couldn't wait to get out of there and go bitch about it on twitter, when Stephanie Meyer actually managed to grab a hold of and keep my attention! She had the audacity and the brilliance really, to change the sequence of the climax. The audience (including a very cynical me), was at its wits end. It started with much beloved leader of the vampire convenant, Carlisle Cullen, tastelessly be-headed at the hands of the Volturi and showed the heart wrenching deaths of the beloved Seth and Leah Clearwater. Other victims were also similarly sent screaming to the after life, with such violence and vigor that teenage girls and myself in the audience were screaming and moaning in actual physical pain with each deathly blow; cursing the producers and life in general for portraying something so unsympathetic and basically ruining their lives !

Long story short, 10 minutes later we find that it was all merely a vision and everyone is safe and sound, and we are assured that our fictional characters will remain living happily ever after as is rightfully the duty of any fairytale ending.

But oh! those moments when it was all enfolding really got my attention. When the titles began and the entire cast was named, all the way from the very first movie, I actually remembered the first time I read the book and how much it influenced me and how much thoughts of  my own Edward Cullen watching over me and listening to me, helped me get through my first few painful days as a stranger in a foreign country. And I was glad I was there. When the titles ended and I headed out I actually felt like I was saying goodbye and walking away from, a part of my gullible, pre adult days, forever. 

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