
Aug 2009 to May 2011
Go down to the Union. Get yourself a nice Burrito/Sub/something.
Go back to your empty office.
Fire up a nice podcast.

June 2011 to Present
Scramble around, look for a new group to go out and have lunch with.
Pile into one car.
Go to a new place everyday.
Order the wrong thing (cause the script on the menu is tooooo small for you to see clearly)
Make a lot of polite conversation.
Come back feeling full and late- to a crowded workspace, stressing about saying/doing/eating the wrong thing.
Blog about it.


20th January: this city of that?
10th June: this house or that?
13 th June: this boy or that?
20th June: This roommate or that?
22nd June: this Business Unit or that?
27th June: Authentic chinese noodle for lunch or that?

a life of passion

some people aren't afraid of uncertainty.
they give up their stable jobs, as engineers and go off into the unknown to become publicists, entrepreneurs and musicians.
Trusting their talent to keep them away from poverty.
I sometimes wonder if they have ever felt the feeling. The feeling of wanting what they cannot have. The feeling of poverty.
That's all it comes down to in the end really.
Are u afraid of being poor?
Yes. Very.