my morphine....

go yiruma !


my mumbling bumbling interview.... chennai 6th july

the highlight of my interview --- i dropped stuff, walked into doors, changed files TWICE, got glared at by the document check lady, mumbled incoherently in answer to the VO s questions and spent a lot of time hyperventilating ! ...

i reached the embassy at 7.45 and got out by 9.30 ... i was incredibly lucky ... there were 12 counters in all ... the first 6 were in one hall and it was connected to a hall with the other six.
i ended up in the hall with counters 1-6.
counter 1,2,3 were in operation. the other 3 were taking care of other language interviews or something of that sort.
Counter 3 had a male VO who seemed really good natured and really friendly .
i was interviewed at counter 1 by the sweetest VO... she was a young, extemely heavy set, Caucasian woman.
counter 2 was a terror. a middle aged, white woman(bright red lipstick) she asked a million questions and didnt crack a smile ever ! she was rejecting people left right and center !

i spent the entire time in building 2 , praying to all my gods, that i wouldnt end up in counter 2 !
end result : there is a god ! .... against all odds i escaped counter 2 !

stuff that i observed
* all the applicants are super friendly ... people in the queue are always really eager to chat,, it really helps ease the tension
* the indians at document check lose their patience really fast ... its best to hand over the papers they ask for really fast !
* building 2 is really cold !

VO: Good morning
me: (mumbled incohereltly) Good morning

VO: can u give me a minute ?

(VO disappears into the back room and returns munching something)

VO: sorry for the delay. oh you're heading to ---- university and u have an assistantship. arent u an overachiever (smirks !).. is there anything out there left to achieve?
Me: (shuffled uncomfortably and fake laughed)

(VO disappears again and returns in a few minutes)

VO: so u graduated this May... no backlogs
Me: yes mam this May... first class with distinction
VO: over achiever again eh!
Me: heh heh (fake laugh) ... (mumble) thank u

VO: do u have back-up funds in case the financial aid does not come through ?
Me: yes mam

VO: congratulations ! u got ur visa .... it will be couriered to u within 7 days. I m sorry for all the delays. how is the weather outside ?
Me: its a wonderful day outside.. thank u very much mam

dropped my papers ... swept it up quickly and ran out of there before she changed her mind !!!