I want to remember this forever.

In our household, its tradition that Dean makes us breakfast on the weekends. This Sunday I asked for steel cut oatmeal with a sliced up banana on the side.
That morning the oatmeal was very runny, mushy and piping hot. Dean ignored the excess water and sliced up the banana into the molten content and brought it bedside for me. One of my pet peeves is that I always like the banana on the side and never pre-mixed in the oatmeal where it quickly proceeds to melt into mush. It was the last banana we had in the house so I threw a bit of a fit and dramatically refused to eat. 

Dean quietly went into the other room, remade the oatmeal so it was less watery and then fished out every single piece of sliced banana from the previous bowl and wiped it on both sides with kitchen towels so it was dry again and brought it over.

And I wonder what did I ever do to deserve someone like him ?