You know its over..

..when the fat lady sings...

the inside story

This afternoon ,  one of my oldest friends texted me, telling me that she broke up her engagement with the nice doctor boy she was set to marry the following year. I will not mention names or initials, as its a matter of privacy and you may or may not know them.
I find it incredibely pathetic, not to mention scary, that not one of us from my old set of girl friends from high-school, has managed to find a guy, keep a guy or get married, yet. 


Today I went out to lunch with some co-workers for 'all you can eat' sushi, at the sushi factory... i feel sick ! way too much food !
As we were about to leave to lunch, I realized I was leaving the building with 12 guys (I counted).
Something needs to be done about 'women in engineering'....

My movie crisis

Last Friday, I went over to Fremont's Big Cinema with some friends, and watched Ajith's new movie, Mankatha. I used to be a pretty big fan of Venkat Prabhu back in the day, so I went with the reasonable hope that I would be able to digest Ajith's face and enjoy the movie. After all this was my first tamil movie, in some two years. It will suffice to say that that wasn't the case.

It is a commonly known fact that people who leave India, and live abroad, always think of India in terms of the last few indian movies they enjoyed, when they were still in India. Its almost as if they are frozen in time.

I'm now one of those frozen people. Movies like Vaaranam Ayiram, Ayan and Chennai 28, will always be "new" movies in my head. And the music from those will always be my favorite, and the actors and the dialogues will always be the ones most fondly remembered.

The persian joke is on me

Last week I had lunch with two actual Persian guys (co-workers)... Very good looking/intelligent/fun ones at that..... It made me feel pretty crappy about myself for all the Persian-guy references I've included in my jokes, in the last two years ! Won't happen again :)

How did surya and sameera do it?

Two days ago I was chilling on the Golden Gate bridge with some friends, when I ran into someone from work. Granted she was just an intern and a friend at that, not to mention the fact that I was certainly not being proposed to by a stud like Surya.... but it makes you think - if you can run into someone you know in a city as huge as San Francisco, you better not be doing any hanky panky around there eh...

Girl code

The other day I realized that I'm the kind of girl that other girls would be comfortable with leaving their boyfriends with.. Does that say something about my unattractiveness ?