March 31st

Somewhere, someone is laughing so hard it hurts :)


when you are all grown up, you will realize that you cannot have everything you want.

The cost of living

It was a little cold. A little wet. A little quiet. The Air.
But what else was left to say?

Anything is possible in human nature after all.. Love. Madness. Hope. Infinite joy.
Of the four things that are possible in human nature, Infinite Joy sounds the saddest.

... Courtesy Rahel....


10.35 am. I'm proctoring a two and a half hour midterm.
I am so hungry right now!
BC just walked out saying he cant do the quiz right now because his grandfather died on Monday. He probably just made that up.
JS has been smirking frequently. I'm relieved, given that I promised him it wasn't going to be too hard, yesterday at the office hours.
AB on the other hand seems to be struggling as usual. I have no faith in that one.
AZ is sitting with TK. Seems like they're really good friends these days.
KP is alone in the back and looks worried. Typical Indian Grad Student.


the curvy one, the fat one, the funny one and one more...

Holly Golightly: Cat! Cat! Oh, Cat... ohh...

Its my parents' 28th wedding anniversary... and they're going to Breakfast at Tiffany's, which is actually the name of a restaurant !!
Trust my mom to come up with something cheesy like that ...

love, love, LOVE it ....!