
College is over . I ve graduated successfully. Its such an incredible feeling :) ... All thro' june I ve been buying books by the dozen. I ve had a wonderful month. I m now a twilight-enthusist ! :) ... I ve read the entire serires and watched the movie. A word of waring to all the GUYS out there- Pls dont try to read it ! Its one of those chick books. U ve to be a girl to enjoy it. Its one of those books written for teeny-boppers, but I enjoyed it immensely . All four of the books in the series were super but Ecclipse was my favourite ... I cant decide between Edward Cullen and jacob Black, because Taylor's so much better looking when compared to robert pattinson :)...

I also read the illegal manuscript of Midnight Sun, which was released on the internet, and I m planning to buy Lost soon (although I m pretty sure Lost wont be nearly as good). The shooting of new moon has begun and I cant wait :)

i also read Bronte's Wuthering Hights ,,, again ! ... Its my vacation tonic. I dont really feel like I ve unwound till I read it ...

Early this month I also read Leo Tolstoy's Anna Karenina. This is not my first Tolstoy and I liked it the best. Anna was amazing, and she brought me to tears when she put herself under that train. But I guess in those times, it was a just punishment !

After getting this rather brutal dose of turn of the century Russia's morals, I tried Shobha dae. Even her best books Speedpost and Socialite Evenings leave something to be desired. Her work is average at best and painfully dull at other times. I almost wish I hadnt read it so I could ve continued to find her simply fascinating !

Shakespere lifted my spirit aftre that and I read and loved every line of the Twelfth night ...

July is going to be super busy... I m hoping to read Shantaram and a Lil bit wicked next.
I ll be back soon with my review :)

what really happened that day ! :D

ok so most people who have spent more than 5 minutes with me figure out pretty quick that I m sort of a chicken ... more yellow than brown really :) .... i just remebered the funniest (and sorts traumatic! ) story from kinder garden . 'F' has been on a digging-up-embarrasing-burried-and-forgotten-old-pictures spree. So while she was at it, she scanned some of those pictures and uploading them onto facebook . LOL ...

i can gaurentee its not a very pretty sight ... Most of them are from the awkward teenage-phase,.... u know, the braces, firzzy hair, messy skin, and horrid taste in clothes phase :) ... (minus the braces and I m still in that phase :P)...

So anyway, I cringed and shuddered and went thro' the album like a MAN ;)...

one of the pictures was from kinder garden .. I think it was UKG. It was one of those class photographs, shot on a bright sunny day, with kids neatly assembled in three tiers, noses clean, hair perfect, uniforms ironed, socks pulled up, shoe laced tied, hand kerchiefs neatly pinned, and the teachers posing right in the middle.
Its pretty easy to recognise the there only categories of expressions on a kid's face on the picture day !
Expression 1: a big cute angel smile
Expression 2: terror !

No points for guessing that my face was in the expression 2 category . I was wide eyed, corners of my mouth turne down, a scare-crow like hairdo and I had tears rolling down my face ... Awww ! what a stupid baby I used to be ...
And then ..BAM ! I remeber what I was crying about ...
U know how people say that high school in america is one of the most trying experiences that kids go thro'. Well I can safely say that kinder garden was my American highschool. I hated every single cotton-pickin minute of it . I fell down , cried more tears , panicked at the sight of the jungle gym , got yelled at for being slow , got sick, got home sick and got bullied twice as much as any other kid in my class ! ...
So on that particular class picture taking day, I was the victim of this bully kid. I cant even remember her name :) . I feel so stupid now . She was probably some harmless chump but I was too easily panicked to realize. I remember her name used to start with 'A' , and that she was really pretty, and that she transferred out of my school after kindergarden (which is why cant remember her name), and that she was some sort of police officer's daughter. I guess she used to sort of pick on me or maybe she just used to talk o me and I used to take it as my master's voice. I dunno . i only remeber that I used to be unreasonabely afraid of her :) .

So any way the-bully-kid-"A", was buggin me be4 the photograph was taken because she didnt like what my mother had done to my hair. I think it was some sort of elaborate braid because my mom would ve know be4 hand that we scheduled for a photograph that day, and she would ve put in double effort to make me look extra nice ! ... So anyways I dont really know why the-bully-kid had a problem with it. She asked me to unravel the braid and let her redo it for me !!! :) ... I dont know if u ve ever seen a 5 year old try their hand at hair styling, but if u havent I can guarantee that orangutan's can do a better job :) !

So she did manage to get me to succumb and convice me that she would do a better job and I actually remember this line she used , "if u dont let me re-do ur hair, i ll tell my father and he will arrest ur father "... LOL ... I fell for that ... I burst into tears and gave myself up to her "expertise" ...

The end results is that in june 2009 I laughed my ass off because there I was among all the other neat kids and I stood out like a lightening bolt on a dark night ... :) my face red from all the crying (pleading to save my dad s life), a look of absolute terror on my face, tear brimmed eyes and sporting the bully-kid's carefully constructer hair style---a skinny messy pony tail jutting uneually and defiantly on one side of my head !