J : Aww kiddo ! Bad luck. Don't be too upset. Something else will come up for the summer.
Answer : I m fine... no worries :) ...
I believe in the cosmos and everything happens for a reason n all that jazz.. !


" I really wish I was less of a thinking man and more of a fool not afraid of rejection "

some hindu she is :P

SM : (good advice)
Me: (whine whine) .... but karma'll come get me ... if i mess this up now I dont deserve to be happy later... (whine whine)
AA: Arey ! Who is this karma GUY and y is he making u do all this stuff ?


Episode 1:
SM : oi, wen u cross the road, do u sometimes feel like just stopping in the middle and let someone run u over?
me: yes ... all the time
SM : me too .... so.. it is not abnormal... gud gud

Episode 2:
me : oi, wen u cross the road, do u sometimes feel like just stopping in the middle and let someone run u over?
V : yeah...did once...but only a guy on a cycle passed,so...

Episode 3:
me : oi, wen u cross the road, do u sometimes feel like just stopping in the middle and let someone run u over?
A : No sorry I dont have suicidal tendencies
Y such a question ??
Ya I would not mind a gurls car hittin me and not killin me but jus hurting me

this thanksgiving...

Participation Assignment 3:
Send in a description of somethings you are grateful for ...

Being an international student, the American festival of Thanksgiving is new to me. I discovered what it stood for and I loved the concept – Apple cider, turkey, mashed potatoes, what's not to love !!! Jokes apart, I did find out about the festival's history (about the native Americans and the Europeans) and it sounded really special. So this thanksgiving I hope to join others and cherish the feeling of love and togetherness.

I am the world’s luckiest person. . Today I am almost 8379 miles from my country and I have never felt more comfortable and close to home as I do right now. I am grateful to be alive and to be alive where I am right now. I sometimes go on walks around the campus and it just hits me- I cant believe I'm really here. After dreaming about it and working for it for 21 years. There are so many people who go through life wondering what their purpose of life is, but for me, honesty its clear, I was brought to life to travel, to live, to learn.

Here's a small list of things I'm grateful for:
  • I'm grateful for Skype, GoogleTalk with video and other VoIP applications that allow me to keep I touch with home for free.
  • I'm grateful to my sister for spending her hard earned money and buying me winter jackets so I don't freeze this winter.
  • I'm grateful to the guy who lives near my backyard who owns the black cat which he leaves in his yard, and I'm grateful for the gap in the fencing which allows her to escape and come out to my backyard so I can play with her, and remember my cats back home.
  • I'm grateful to AT&T for their free calls plan which lets me keep in touch my BFFs (Best Friends Forever) without worrying about my phone bill.
  • I'm grateful to my girl friends from high school, who still gossip, curse and discuss fashion, accessories, boys, make up and parties, over group email these days. They bring out the teenager in me.
  • I'm grateful for my by-weekly pay checks.
  • I'm grateful for all the people who waste their valuable time and InstantMsg on GTALK with me ...
  • I'm grateful for my roommate, Sruthi, who cooks for me, cleans up after me and is always there for me, and sits up all night with me for girl talk. I really have found sisters here.
  • I'm grateful to the guys at 76 n a half, 13th street who postponed their Halloween party just so that I could be there and saved cake for me that day as well. I'm also grateful for their patience and for inviting me to all the fun stuff they come up with, and for always being gentlemen.
  • I'm grateful to Shravya, (our fairy god mother), for getting me New Moon tickets(first day, first show no less) and baking the best cakes.
  • I'm grateful to my gym and travel partner, Avi, who has taught me more about growing up than actually experiencing it.
  • I'm grateful to my Database Systems project partner for feeding me omelets after four months.
  • I'm grateful for my mom, for her cynical views on life and warnings about marriage which helped me keep my head and make the right decision in more situations than I can remember.
  • I'm grateful for my father and all the rules he laid down on me when I lived under his roof. The values he buried in me, will never be forgotten.
  • I'm grateful to the friends I made during my undergrad for their patience and for putting up with me.
  • I'm grateful the admissions committee saw me fit to give me an admission.
  • I'm grateful to my future Adviser. Thank god he believed in me !
  • I'm grateful for Menaka Gandhi who was instrumental in passing a law in India which banned the inhuman dissection of cockroaches in Bio-labs.
  • I'm grateful for my Brother-in-law, who besides being the best husband my sister could ask for, also chats with me and humors me.
  • I'm grateful that my sister's wedding was so beautiful, and she was so happy that day and that I could be there to see her through it.
  • I'm grateful that I will be going to New York city on December 1st for something special.
  • I'm grateful that one of my oldest friends in India, is pregnant and expecting a beautiful baby this January.
  • I'm grateful I didnt get rabies and die last year ! And to my grandfather who paid for it when the emergency actually happened.
  • I'm grateful for Linda, Gail, Kevin and David who make work so much fun every other weekday morning.
  • I'm grateful that I was NOT born in the Afghanistan during the Taliban years and hence I can wake up each morning and eat ice cream, wear perfume, watch TV and leave the house WITHOUT a man by my side if I choose to.
  • I'm thankful for all the opportunities and the endless possibilities, and I hope that everyone, someday, gets to feel as lucky as I feel right now.

Bling !

sarees, bangles, bindhis, badam halwa. kheer, candles as diyas. temples. crowds, poojas, oil, photographs, visiting frinds, new clothes, wishes, indian food, indian music, fireworks show, lots n lots of ppl , felt like family, felt like home.
my first diwali was pretty darn good...

Step 1: Identify goals

Short term goals :
() Go for a Broadway Show ..
() Manage to NOT get siwne flu till my India trip is done
() Get an interview call
() Buy an RPI sweatshirt
() Go white water rafting/ bungee jumping/ para-sailing
() Find out if black friday is really as cool as it sounds...
() Watch Rajinikanth's new animated movie... (Rajini rocks !!!)
Long term goals :
() Have atleast 30 relevant results returned when my name is Googled
() Own 4 ginny pigs, a cat, 2 dogs and a dozen baby turtles.... (at the very least)
() See Venice, Istanbul, Tahiti, the Taj MAhal, Jordan, and Afghanisthan
() Save the whales..

Step 2,3,4 : Actually go out n achieve it

finance demystified...

Time :8.30 p.m
setting: bus 90 on the way back from the mall

Person 1: Vishnu borrowed money from Kuber to marry Lakshmi "in-style" when he got back together with her after their brief , traumatic separation...
Person 2: so they claim that in thirupathi , ppl give money so that vishnu can pay back his lones to Kuber.
Person 3: But then again, is nt all our money from vishnu anyway ?
Person 4: basically vishnu gave us money though he was already in debt !
Person 5: Hmmm .. he lent out money he didnt have ! sounds like the Lehman brothers story - lending out money they didnt have (:P)

A lot !

I cant stop talking. I cant help admiring brilliant ppl. I cant yell n throw a tantrum. I cant live alone. I cant cycle, I cant climb trees. I cant climb anything ! I cant eat alone in a public place. I cant read when I m not alone. I cant dance. I cant sing. I cant be brave. I cant be arnd ppl for too long. I cant be brave in a crowd. I cant kill a cockroach. I cant resist petting a cat. I cant be brave around children. I cant be left in the dark. I cant be surprised. I cant be cheered up. I cant spell. I cant type. I cant be mature and intellectual. I cant be strong. I cant not-worry. I cant say the right things. I cant think fast. I cant always do the right thing. I cant trust ppl easily. I cant resist chocolate. I cant be left in a confined space. I cant look down from a height. I cant speak hindi.

To hell with Darwin. If only the fittest can survive, what happens to the rest of us !

P for Purple !

AA - " If I see another person wearing purple,,,, (grr) I m going to see purple !"
Sideffect of buying all things purple the previous day !


Money cant buy me love
Money cant buy me happiness

but atleast money can make sure i m wearing a "cute fall jacket" when I m sitting around unhappy n unloved !


uh oh .. 10 a.m !

Why is it that I leave the house at 10 a.m for work, EVERYDAY, when I very well know that work starts at 10 a.m !
"S" and I spent almost the whole of last night on last minute homework and cramming for a midterm. .... 2 hours of sleep later...., its 9.30 am and we re both running around like "mad-hatters" trying to get to our 10 a.m appointments. Atleast she managed to get her's on time. I got "frowned at" by the Boss!
=> Such a typical Monday morning !

Frozen toes !

Yesterday, it was 1 a.m when we left SR's place, and began walking home. It was 40 degrees Farenheit outdoors !!!! ... it was so cold tht we actually stopped off a couple of blocks from home, at the union, to try n warm up a bit n brave the cold again !... last time i m gonna wear open toed shoes n face the outdoors till nxt summer ...

happy birthday Avi ! :)

2.39 am : we just got back frm avi s place , after the "surprise" party ...
it could'nt have been more perfect ! :)

its all about the perks !

I m goin to leave the US on the 27th of october for India.
i will land in india on the calender date of the 29th of october !
thanks to the time zone transition, I ll actually skip the 28th of october !

Fringe benefit : Doesnt that mean that I get to stay 21 for an extra year ?!!! ;)

Thats real steep for 10 pieces of fruit

Today while everyone else had $1.69 coffee, I opted to eat a cup of fruit (strawberries, cantaloupe, papaya, pineapple and grapes) .
The guy at the cash register says, " Thats real steep for 10 pieces of fruit !"..
I smirk (politely).
I swipe my card, grab the bill, walk away and then realise i paid $3.99 for it.

After thought : He was so right !

wat happ on the big day

Today aa and I hit the gym. Finally ! we ve been planning this since be4 we got here ! .. we had to work the impulsive cheese burst we had at 6 (an excuse to take a break from the library). we just got back from our workout and we ve a long night of assigment completion ahead of us

(p.S I m blogging which AA s being super sincere)
(p.s .... p.s celebrations)

I hope i remember to take out the trash when i get back home. we ve two weeks of smelly collected trash in the house ! .. ugh !

james T. Kirk and fatty food

Today it was gloomy, dark and wet. (A typical Edward Cullen day) :)
We went searching for "onion pakodas" to the Student Union !
Had to settle for the next best thing - onion rings and french fries ... !
Our next great adventure was the 9.30 show of Star Trek. we boldly went where no man has gone be4 ! ... I'm infinitely relieved we got remotely good seats cause I was teh one who delayed everyone ! I wud ve gotten killied if it were house full . Oh by the way Captin Kirk rocks ! ;)

America Trivia : they dont have intervals during movies !


(quote)"........... The only dream worth having is to dream that you will live when you are alive, and die only when you are dead. To love, to be loved. To never forget your own insignificance. To never get used to the unspeakable violance and vulgar disparity of the life around you. To seek joy in the saddest places. To pursue beauty to its lair. To never simplify what is complicated or complicate what is simple. To respect strength, never power. Above all to watch. To try and understand. To never look away. And never, never forget ........." (unquote)

... I miss having her nearby ...

The superstar !

Yesterday i walked back home, in the dark at 10.30 p.m, through the quite streets in a small town in upsate New york, alone, listening to "Rajinikanth s Balleilakka" on my iPod...
Life s good !

my morphine....


go yiruma !


my mumbling bumbling interview.... chennai 6th july

the highlight of my interview --- i dropped stuff, walked into doors, changed files TWICE, got glared at by the document check lady, mumbled incoherently in answer to the VO s questions and spent a lot of time hyperventilating ! ...

i reached the embassy at 7.45 and got out by 9.30 ... i was incredibly lucky ... there were 12 counters in all ... the first 6 were in one hall and it was connected to a hall with the other six.
i ended up in the hall with counters 1-6.
counter 1,2,3 were in operation. the other 3 were taking care of other language interviews or something of that sort.
Counter 3 had a male VO who seemed really good natured and really friendly .
i was interviewed at counter 1 by the sweetest VO... she was a young, extemely heavy set, Caucasian woman.
counter 2 was a terror. a middle aged, white woman(bright red lipstick) she asked a million questions and didnt crack a smile ever ! she was rejecting people left right and center !

i spent the entire time in building 2 , praying to all my gods, that i wouldnt end up in counter 2 !
end result : there is a god ! .... against all odds i escaped counter 2 !

stuff that i observed
* all the applicants are super friendly ... people in the queue are always really eager to chat,, it really helps ease the tension
* the indians at document check lose their patience really fast ... its best to hand over the papers they ask for really fast !
* building 2 is really cold !

VO: Good morning
me: (mumbled incohereltly) Good morning

VO: can u give me a minute ?

(VO disappears into the back room and returns munching something)

VO: sorry for the delay. oh you're heading to ---- university and u have an assistantship. arent u an overachiever (smirks !).. is there anything out there left to achieve?
Me: (shuffled uncomfortably and fake laughed)

(VO disappears again and returns in a few minutes)

VO: so u graduated this May... no backlogs
Me: yes mam this May... first class with distinction
VO: over achiever again eh!
Me: heh heh (fake laugh) ... (mumble) thank u

VO: do u have back-up funds in case the financial aid does not come through ?
Me: yes mam

VO: congratulations ! u got ur visa .... it will be couriered to u within 7 days. I m sorry for all the delays. how is the weather outside ?
Me: its a wonderful day outside.. thank u very much mam

dropped my papers ... swept it up quickly and ran out of there before she changed her mind !!!


College is over . I ve graduated successfully. Its such an incredible feeling :) ... All thro' june I ve been buying books by the dozen. I ve had a wonderful month. I m now a twilight-enthusist ! :) ... I ve read the entire serires and watched the movie. A word of waring to all the GUYS out there- Pls dont try to read it ! Its one of those chick books. U ve to be a girl to enjoy it. Its one of those books written for teeny-boppers, but I enjoyed it immensely . All four of the books in the series were super but Ecclipse was my favourite ... I cant decide between Edward Cullen and jacob Black, because Taylor's so much better looking when compared to robert pattinson :)...

I also read the illegal manuscript of Midnight Sun, which was released on the internet, and I m planning to buy Lost soon (although I m pretty sure Lost wont be nearly as good). The shooting of new moon has begun and I cant wait :)

i also read Bronte's Wuthering Hights ,,, again ! ... Its my vacation tonic. I dont really feel like I ve unwound till I read it ...

Early this month I also read Leo Tolstoy's Anna Karenina. This is not my first Tolstoy and I liked it the best. Anna was amazing, and she brought me to tears when she put herself under that train. But I guess in those times, it was a just punishment !

After getting this rather brutal dose of turn of the century Russia's morals, I tried Shobha dae. Even her best books Speedpost and Socialite Evenings leave something to be desired. Her work is average at best and painfully dull at other times. I almost wish I hadnt read it so I could ve continued to find her simply fascinating !

Shakespere lifted my spirit aftre that and I read and loved every line of the Twelfth night ...

July is going to be super busy... I m hoping to read Shantaram and a Lil bit wicked next.
I ll be back soon with my review :)

what really happened that day ! :D

ok so most people who have spent more than 5 minutes with me figure out pretty quick that I m sort of a chicken ... more yellow than brown really :) .... i just remebered the funniest (and sorts traumatic! ) story from kinder garden . 'F' has been on a digging-up-embarrasing-burried-and-forgotten-old-pictures spree. So while she was at it, she scanned some of those pictures and uploading them onto facebook . LOL ...

i can gaurentee its not a very pretty sight ... Most of them are from the awkward teenage-phase,.... u know, the braces, firzzy hair, messy skin, and horrid taste in clothes phase :) ... (minus the braces and I m still in that phase :P)...

So anyway, I cringed and shuddered and went thro' the album like a MAN ;)...

one of the pictures was from kinder garden .. I think it was UKG. It was one of those class photographs, shot on a bright sunny day, with kids neatly assembled in three tiers, noses clean, hair perfect, uniforms ironed, socks pulled up, shoe laced tied, hand kerchiefs neatly pinned, and the teachers posing right in the middle.
Its pretty easy to recognise the there only categories of expressions on a kid's face on the picture day !
Expression 1: a big cute angel smile
Expression 2: terror !

No points for guessing that my face was in the expression 2 category . I was wide eyed, corners of my mouth turne down, a scare-crow like hairdo and I had tears rolling down my face ... Awww ! what a stupid baby I used to be ...
And then ..BAM ! I remeber what I was crying about ...
U know how people say that high school in america is one of the most trying experiences that kids go thro'. Well I can safely say that kinder garden was my American highschool. I hated every single cotton-pickin minute of it . I fell down , cried more tears , panicked at the sight of the jungle gym , got yelled at for being slow , got sick, got home sick and got bullied twice as much as any other kid in my class ! ...
So on that particular class picture taking day, I was the victim of this bully kid. I cant even remember her name :) . I feel so stupid now . She was probably some harmless chump but I was too easily panicked to realize. I remember her name used to start with 'A' , and that she was really pretty, and that she transferred out of my school after kindergarden (which is why cant remember her name), and that she was some sort of police officer's daughter. I guess she used to sort of pick on me or maybe she just used to talk o me and I used to take it as my master's voice. I dunno . i only remeber that I used to be unreasonabely afraid of her :) .

So any way the-bully-kid-"A", was buggin me be4 the photograph was taken because she didnt like what my mother had done to my hair. I think it was some sort of elaborate braid because my mom would ve know be4 hand that we scheduled for a photograph that day, and she would ve put in double effort to make me look extra nice ! ... So anyways I dont really know why the-bully-kid had a problem with it. She asked me to unravel the braid and let her redo it for me !!! :) ... I dont know if u ve ever seen a 5 year old try their hand at hair styling, but if u havent I can guarantee that orangutan's can do a better job :) !

So she did manage to get me to succumb and convice me that she would do a better job and I actually remember this line she used , "if u dont let me re-do ur hair, i ll tell my father and he will arrest ur father "... LOL ... I fell for that ... I burst into tears and gave myself up to her "expertise" ...

The end results is that in june 2009 I laughed my ass off because there I was among all the other neat kids and I stood out like a lightening bolt on a dark night ... :) my face red from all the crying (pleading to save my dad s life), a look of absolute terror on my face, tear brimmed eyes and sporting the bully-kid's carefully constructer hair style---a skinny messy pony tail jutting uneually and defiantly on one side of my head !



William Shakespeare: My story starts at sea... a perilous voyage to an unknown land... a shipwreck... the wild waters roar and heave... the brave vessel is dashed all to pieces, and all the helpless souls within her drowned... all save one... a lady... whose soul is greater than the ocean... and her spirit stronger than the sea's embrace... not for her a watery end, but a new life beginning on a stranger shore. It will be a love story... for she will be my heroine for all time. And her name will be Viola.
Viola De Lesseps
: I will have poetry in my life. And adventure. And love. Love above all. No... not the artful postures of love, not playful and poetical games of love for the amusement of an evening, but love that... over-throws life. Unbiddable, ungovernable - like a riot in the heart, and nothing to be done, come ruin or rapture. Love - like there has never been in a play

he s all that n more

pepe a.k.a "soo-soo" boy :)

ask me what I did on V-day ... It was expensive !

ok so I ve never really ever done anything on V-day before. But a lot did happen today !

I havent talked about this here yet, but I got a new black Cocker Spanial puppy about ten days ago. After calling him scottie, schumi, snoop dog, black dog, steven tyler, and obama, I finally settled for naming him PEPE. Oh its been fun, but a lot of work for mom and me. A major part of our day now involves cleaning up his pee and poop off the floor of every room in the house(his potty training needs a big upgrade). We ve tried a million tricks to coax him into doing his bussiness outdoors, including pouring water down his back legs and saying "do soo-soo" in the garden, but nothings worked yet. We finally just take him out every hour and stand around until his bladder co-operates !
Pepe darling s quite a looker, with his droopy chocolate brown eyes, jet black coat, silly walk, tiny tail, and seriously over grown ears, but he s got more than his share of bad habits ! From peeing indoors, to barking the roof down if he s left alone for even a second, to scratching the polish off the front door when he s left outside, to refusing to answer to his name, to eating unhealthy berries and rocks from the graden floor, to disturbing the cat when he napping, to begging for food permanently, to clumsily knocking things over. He s a serious trial on anyone's patience ! The worst of it is that he has a biting-habit. He tends to snap at your fingers if u make any sharp movements (he thinks its a game).
Ok I ll stop degressing. The point is that I got bitten, and the cut started bleeding :(
Wait ! It gets worse . He hasnt had his anti-rabies shots yet !
So I had to go get the anti rabies shots today at the hospital. Painful Painful Painful ! And it was so expensive, 20K for the first day(today), and I ve another dose scheduled for the 17th and then the 25th, and if the dog starts to show symptoms, then the vaccines have to continue ! I had a good mind to just tell the doctor I d rather take my chance with the virus, but my mom would'nt hear of it ! So this is my V-day story .... exciting, expensive, painful, and a serious injury to my dad s bank balance !